
Deviant Family for Laurart

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Literature Text

This is the result of `laurart and me noting. And it then being her birthday and me putting this together for that. :heart: I wuv you drag-sis!

If this offends any of you in any way, note me and I will delete it.

It was a morning as any in the Deviant household. 'Goodmorning, my babies!' `littlefishey called out, as the tore open the curtains.
=madfairy7 groaned, as the pulled the sheets over her eyeliner-smeared face. 'I need coffee.' She muttered, before passing back out.
The other three daughters, slightly reluctant, climbed out of their beds. `littlefishey walked out of the bedroom, and =ExtraMedicationNowXD, *Ewig, and `laurart, saying; 'I'll bring you some coffee', left the room.

At the breakfast table sat @Vlei, having a bowl of cereal. He grumpily glared over the top of his newspaper as the three girls ran towards him. The moment they were in mid-air, ready to glomp, he jumped up in ninja-like speed, to punch all three of them into their seats. Slightly disappointed they hung their heads to the table.

=ExtraMedicationNowXD reached over the table to grab an apple from the fruitbowl, to jump up and run back towards the bedroom. 'I'm meeting `votemark behind the stained glass in an hour!' she exclaimed, before slamming the door.

There was a moment of silence, and @Vlei flipped his page. 'Daddy?' said *Ewig. `laurart giggled, and got up to start making =madfairy7's coffee. 'Will you wear a dress today?' Giving *Ewig the evileye, @Vlei got up and walked slowly to the fridge. With a grumpy face he slammed a penguin burger onto *Ewig's plate. With a loud scream *Ewig stormed out of the kitchen. Chuckling, @Vlei sat back down with his newspaper.

`laurart. now with a cup of coffee in her hand, grinned, 'She's right you know, you'd look great in one!'. Just at that moment the door opened and the cup of coffee was jerked from her hand. 'Noes! That's for =madfairy7!' She shouted. But it was too late, and uncle ^Thebuild gulped down the cup of hot coffee. 'Fine, I'm going for a shower!' `laurart tantrummed out of the door.

'Today we will get that monster out of my backyard.' @Vlei grumped, as he put down a tube of toothpaste on the table. ^Thebuild, with a roll of floss in his hand nodded. 'But let's go now, she's here.' With a paranoid face, :devthebuild and @Vlei stared at the cat's eye, watching them, from behind the refrigerator. They slowly backed out of the kitchen. Ready to take on their joined enemy.

=madfairy7 had awoken from her caffeine-withdrawal coma, and was sitting on the edge of her bed, whispering sweet nothings into her phone.
'Has anyone seen my heels?' =ExtraMedicationNowXD inquired, while running around the room trying to gather her things. 'Will you keep it down? I'm on the phone with *steph1254!' replied a slightly grumpy =madfairy7. 'Uncle ^Thebuild is around, he might have seen them.' `laurart replied, as she walked into the room. 'Oh not again!' =ExtraMedicationNowXD ran to the window to look outside, to see ^Thebuild standing on a ladder by the tree, with a tooth floss lasso, while wearing her new shoes. As =ExtraMedicationNowXD stormed out of the room. 'He also drank your coffee.' `laurart added. With an expression of shock and disgust =madfairy7 legged after =ExtraMedicationNowXD, the phone still glued to her ear. *Ewig sat rocking in a corner, with a part of her penguin collection in her arms. `laurart, still drying her hair, said: '*deshrubber was in front of the bathroom window. He says hi.'
'Was he wearing a dress yet?' *Ewig sniffled. `laurart shook her head. 'No, but he's still naked.'

' Hi *deshrubber' =ExtraMedicationNowXD said, as she walked by the nude man standing at their bathroom window. After her walked =madfairy7 nodding politely at *deshrubber as she shrieked 'I'LL MISS YOU TOO!' into her phone.

Balancing the ladder, with on it @Vlei, in one hand, and applying extra toothpaste on his forehead with the other, ^Thebuild stood under the tree, looking up at the dropbear cautiously. @Vlei was now attempting at throwing the floss lasso, muttering about that stupid dropbear at every missed throw.
'Give me my shoes back!'
'You owe me a coffee!'
Two voices called out in union. ^Thebuild spun around on his heels, causing for the ladder to sway. At this moment, the dropbear saw it's chance, and dropped down on @Vlei's toothpaste-free back of the head. Swinging his arms wildly, @Vlei fell to the ground, taking the beast with him. Tangled in floss they engaged in a battle of epic proportions.
^Thebuild was still staring at the two girls, with an unimpressed expression on his face. The girls stared back at ^Thebuild, giving him an evil eye. All three of them ignoring the heroic battle going on under the tree.
'I don't know what you're talking about.' said the unimpressed ^Thebuild.
'My shoes.' Said the evil eyed :devextramedicationnow:.
'My coffee.' Said the evil eyed =madfairy7.
At this moment ^Thebuild took a run for it, leaving a cloud of dust behind him as him and his heels sprinted off. Shaking their fists =ExtraMedicationNowXD and =madfairy7 went for the chase.
With a sigh @Vlei got up from the ground, and started walking to the house, dragging the unconscious body of the dropbear, wrapped in floss, behind him.

@Vlei walked into the kitchen, to find ^Thebuild wrestled to the ground. =ExtraMedicationNowXD was stealing back her shoes, while =madfairy7 was attempting to drag him to the coffeemaker. `laurart and *Ewig sat at the table, witnessing the scene as @Vlei dropped the still unconscious dropbear on the table between them.
'Babies stop it! I made a cake!' `littlefishey opened up the oven, revealing a slightly burned cake which was not a lie.

Within seconds, the deviant family sat down around the table. Only to then start quarreling about the whip-cream and strawberries. Just like any other family.
© 2009 - 2024 Ewig
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Madfairy7's avatar
I read it again... and I demand a sequel :sniff: It is just toooo gooooooood.